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Follow Up Reading

Transits, returns and progressions to map out the year ahead.....

  • 1 h 15 min
  • 80 British pounds
  • Online via Zoom

Service Description

Your Year Ahead....... Once you have understood your Natal chart you can now look at how the current and future planetary positions will affect you..... Just as the planets at the time of our birth created a unique pattern, so that pattern is ever changing. The Moon moves quickest over our skies, a full cycle in 28 days, whereas the Outer Planets take over 200 years, each moving in its own cycle in a dynamic cosmic dance with each other. The movement of the planets every day is referred to as transits. The position of the transiting planets will also affect us and highlight or colour certain areas of our Natal Chart. Astrology can’t predict what is going to happen, but it can give you an Astrological weather forecast. Just as you wouldn’t go out in the rain without a coat or umbrella, understanding your astrological weather will allow you to make the best choices at a given time. We will also look at your Solar Return chart – a snapshot of where the planets are on your birthday during a year. This is a really useful tool in understanding the themes for the coming year. We will also look at other astrological predictive methods to help you navigate the coming months.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule please give at least 48 hours notice

Contact Details

10 Sunnyside Close, Kempsey, Worcester, UK

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